Monday, December 30, 2013

Eat This, Not That

We have been doing raw, full fat milk for quite some time now.  It keeps us healthier.  The local cows are eating local grasses, local pollen, local allergens.  We are then ingesting their milk that has these local allergens in it.  The kids allergies have completely disappeared.   When milk was first "factory farmed" they started feeding the cows things that were left over from beer/brewing companies.  Cows are meant to eat grass, not grains like that.  Their stomachs cannot break down corn and grain. Therefore, people started getting sick from their milk.  So they started to pasteurize it, which kills everything in it.  Even the good stuff.  Whenever milk is raw it has good antibodies in it that kill the bad antibodies that make people sick.  Meaning that if cows are fed properly and their bodies are breaking down the grass properly (which it will if they are pasture fed) their raw milk is so much better for you than pasteurized milk.  I highly recommend the book Raw Milk Revolution by David Gumpert for those of you who are skeptical about raw milk.  It is unbiased, fact based reading.
I have mentioned many times that I replace most oils with coconut oil.  It can be bought in big tubs at Costco,  or online, reasonably priced.
This list is a great tool to use if you are feeling overwhelmed with converting your family to clean eating/whole foods.
Let me know if you have any questions!