Tuesday, September 24, 2013

An Easy Dinner

I recently made this Ratatouille recipe.  It was delicious!  I added a few shredded chicken breasts to the mix and, voila, a complete dinner!  This was super easy and everyone ate it with no complaints!  Buying clean tomato sauce is harder than you'd think!  They all have sugar or HFCS in them!  Make sure you're reading labels if you are really trying to cut out the sugars!


  1. Jules, I make a clean tomato sauce pretty simply... I roast tomatoes, or if I have canned tomatoes I roast them too... I throw whatever veggies, spices in them and then blend them up. If I need to, I add some tomato paste.

  2. Hey Babycakes!
    So, here's a wishlist that I have regarding you, besides the very obvious long lingering visit... I would love to see a typical meal plan for the week that you may employ; breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks etc. I would love to see an average weekly grocery list. I would like an idea of how long you spend in the kitchen every day. Why am I asking for all this? I'm a visual and kinesthetic learner, I grasp concepts best by doing. If you feel comfortable giving a peek into your life like this, I can peer over your virtual shoulder and learn from watching you. By seeing how you run things and picking your brain about particulars would allow me to learn quicker and more comprehensively than scouring a zillion blogs... you know what I mean?

    But here's the thing: 1. No pressure! If this is just to stalker-ish, then just say no, I completely get it. I just thought this would be something your readers would enjoy seeing as well. No pressure on time either, I realize you've got a very busy family life. 2. Know that I'm not regarding you as a professional and trying to 'copy' you or something. I just know that you're a creative and smart cookie and that you've got a lot of wisdom. I would like to to glean some of it. =)

    So let me know what you think...
    With love, your very intrusive cousin,

    1. Melissa,
      Great idea! I will definitely work on that! Thanks for the post inspiration. It'll probably be a few posts! ; )

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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