Friday, September 13, 2013


I want to talk about Insanity today.
A lot of people ask me about it.  I always tell them that I love it.  The results have been amazing.  I have never been so fit in my life.  Even before kids.  I know that I have more stamina, endurance, strength and muscle mass than ever before.  It has been life changing for me.  I have butt shots to prove it.  Yes, butt shots.  Avert your eyes if you don't want to see it.
The "Then" pic is from 2011.  The "Now" pic is from yesterday.  That is progress y'all.  (Don't laugh.  I know I still have a lot of work to do!) I wasn't really doing much except for running in 2011.  Now I'm killing it with Insanity, SQUATS, running and other random workouts that isolate particular areas.  Da butt (Ladies Man reference) comes from the squats and leg work that I do.  Lots of squats, lots of deadlifts, lots of bootstrappers.  I want to get a video posted of myself doing these exercises so that y'all can see the correct form and what the heck "bootstrappers" are!  I'll work on that this weekend.  
Insanity involves a lot of jumping.  A lot of squatting and it is ALL cardio!  It is insane!  But, I love it!  I really, really love it!  I haven't missed a workout since I started.  That means for the past 26 days I have been pushing play and committing to getting it in! Even on my off days I get in a run and do upper body weight training, Insanity style!  I've never sweat during weight training like I do when I do it with Shaun T.  He is no joke!  I big, fat sloppy {heart} that man.  In a totally platonic, I want to be your bff kind of way, okay?  He's gay, ladies.  It didn't really shatter my dreams too badly when I found out.  : )
So, here is a little preview of Insanity.

Sigh.  I just love it!

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